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This is the scoure-code of the optical guitar and bass tuner called

Please see our wiki:
or (for the german version)

In the folder eagle you find the layout and the shematics.
I used the free version of eagle.

How it functions:

This tool assists you in tuning your string instrument to a given tone. It utilizes the 
stroboscopic effect to give feedback about the adjustment of your instrument. The two LEDs on 
the board blink with the frequency that the chosen tone has. When the string vibrates with the 
correct frequency, two lines are projected at a fixed position on the string. If frequencies 
don't match, the lines appear to be blinking or moving to the observer's eye. The moving or 
blinking effect decreases with decreasing difference between the two frequencies.


If you don't want to compile the projekt use the precompiled 

Otherwise you need avr-gcc >=3.4.6

just type 

make 		          for the atmega48 or
make -f Makefile.m88  for the atmega88
to compile.

Getting the Firmware in to the microcontroller:

The first time you programm your microcontroller you have to fuse the controller.

Low-Fuse      = 0xf7
High-Fuse     = 0xdf
Extended-Fuse = 0xf9

If you use avrdude add following parameters:

-U lfuse:w:0xf7:m -U hfuse:w:0xdf:m -U efuse:w:0xf9:m

For example:

avrdude -c usbasb -p m48 -U lfuse:w:0xf7:m -U hfuse:w:0xdf:m -U efuse:w:0xf9:m
avrdude -c usbasb -p m88 -U lfuse:w:0xf7:m -U hfuse:w:0xdf:m -U efuse:w:0xf9:m

(Don«t forget the jumper for the slowspeedmode on usbasb.)

For both processors there are precompiled hexfiles available.

You can progamm it with avrdude with following command:

avrdude -c usbasb -p m48 -U flash:w:stimmopped_m48.hex
avrdude -c usbasb -p m88 -U flash:w:stimmopped_m88.hex

Using the Simmmoppet:

Switch S1 (right): is used for switching between instument notes and instument chooser menu.

The instument chooser menu is displayed brighter. You can change the current instument with
switch S2 (left). The following programmed instuments are available:

b  bass (5 strings and also droped)
+--> with notes b0 (string 5), d1 (string 4 droped), E1 (sting 4), A1 (string 3), 
                d2 (string 2), G2 (string 1)
b. Bass (5 strings and also droped) half step down
+--> with notes A#0 (string 5), C#1 (string 4 droped), d#1 (string 4), G#1 (string 3), 
                C#2 (string 2), F#2 (string 1)
G  Guitar (also dorped)
+--> with notes d2 (string 6 droped), E2 (string 6), A2 (string 5), d3 (string 4), 
                G3 (string 3), b3 (string 2), E4 (string 1)
G. Guitar (also dorped) half step down
+--> with notes C#2 (string 6 droped), d#2 (string 6), G#2 (Sstringaite 5), C#3 (string 4), 
                F#3 (string 3), A#3 (string 2), d#4 (string 1)

Through S1 you can switch to the instument notes and the first note of the table is showen.
On the display now the notename and the octave in a switching cycle showen.

Just plug the corresponding string at the postion 12 and tune the sting. if the lines are still
its tuned.

Switch the note through S2.

After 30 secounds of not touching a switch. The device is going into power safe mode.

You can turn it on and off throuch touching S1 for more than 2 secounds.

no  notename
88	C8
87	B7
86	A#7/Bb7
85	A7
84	G#7/Ab7
83	G7
82	F#7/Gb7
81	F7
80	E7
79	D#7/Eb7
78	D7
77	C#7/Db7
76	C7
75	B6
74	A#6/Bb6
73	A6
72	G#6/Ab6
71	G6
70	F#6/Gb6
69	F6
68	E6
67	D#6/Eb6
66	D6
65	C#6/Db6
64	C6
63	B5
62	A#5/Bb5
61	A5
60	G#5/Ab5
59	G5
58	F#5/Gb5
57	F5
56	E5
55	D#5/Eb5
54	D5
53	C#5/Db5
52	C5
51	B4
50	A#4/Bb4
49	A4 concert pitch (440 Hz)
48	G#4/Ab4
47	G4
46	F#4/Gb4
45	F4
44	E4                  (guitar string 1)
43	D#4/Eb4
42	D4
41	C#4/Db4
40	C4 (middle C)
39	B3                  (guitar string 2)
38	A#3/Bb3
37	A3
36	G#3/Ab3
35	G3                  (guitar string 3)
34	F#3/Gb3
33	F3
32	E3
31	D#3/Eb3
30	D3                  (guitar string 4)
29	C#3/Db3
28	C3
27	B2
26	A#2/Bb2
25	A2                  (guitar string 5)	
24	G#2/Ab2
23	G2                                      (bass string 1)
22	F#2/Gb2
21	F2
20	E2                  (guitar string 6)
19	D#2/Eb2
18	D2                                      (bass string 2)
17	C#2/Db2
16	C2
15	B1
14	A#1/Bb1
13	A1                                      (bass string 3)
12	G#1/Ab1
11	G1
10	F#1/Gb1
9	F1
8	E1                                      (bass string 4)
7	D#1/Eb1
6	D1
5	C#1/Db1
4	C1
3	B0                                      (bass string 5)
2	A#0/Bb0
1	A0